
Clear Energy Efficient Window Film for your Kansas City Home: Does It Really Work?

Clear Energy Efficient Window Film for your Kansas City Home: Does It Really Work?

Are you one of the many Americans that’s overburdened by high energy costs? If so, we have a solution that you may be interested.

No one likes paying for a high energy bill. It’s stressful, financially draining, and, in general, an unnecessary hassle. And if your home gets a lot of sun exposure, the heat can also be a major burden, causing discomfort during the most inconvenient times.

Window films are a popular way to cut energy costs and control heat. But many homeowners avoid them because of their dark, tinted appearance.

But did you know that you can get clear energy efficient window film? Here’s what Kansas City homeowners need to know.

Clear Energy Efficient Window Film: Does It Exist?

Contrary to popular belief, not all window films are tinted. In the past, manufacturers used dark dye to tint polyester laminates. However, this is no longer common practice. In some cases, a window film may have a slight amount of tint for aesthetic reasons. But today, manufacturers rely on other methods like nano-ceramics and spectrally selective technology to create window films that control heat without blocking light.

Does Clear Window Film Really Work?

Clear window films are just as powerful at controlling heat as tinted films. You may lose some of the glare reduction benefits, but the film will still do a great job at controlling temperatures.

So yes, installing clear energy efficient window film for your Kansas City home will actually work!

Home Window Tinting Energy Savings

Installing window film for your home will not only make it more comfortable, but it can also save you money. Homeowners can look forward to benefits like:

  • A full ROI in three years or less
  • Up to 30% energy savings annually
  • Savings as great as 19 kWh per square foot of glass

For more information on energy savings, check out this brochure: energy-efficient-window-film-kansas-city


Upgrade Your Home with Energy Efficient Window Film

Improve the comfort of your home and start saving today. Call Scottish Window Tinting to get a quote on energy efficient window film in Kansas City.