
The Complete Guide to the Benefits of Low-E Window Film in Fort Collins

The Complete Guide to the Benefits of Low-E Window Film in Fort Collins

Energy efficiency is a top priority for many Fort Collins residents. With extreme temperature fluctuations, high elevation, and over 300 days of sunshine per year, we need solutions that help regulate indoor climates while reducing energy costs. Low-emissivity (low-e) window film is an innovative product that offers these benefits for homeowners and businesses across the city.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what low-e window film is, how it works, and its many advantages specific to the climate in Fort Collins. Whether you live in Old Town, City Park, Ram’s Village, or any neighborhood in between, low-e window film is an energy-efficient upgrade worth considering. Read on to learn how it can help reduce your energy bills while keeping your home comfortable all year long.

Understanding Low-E Window Film

Low-e window film is a high-tech polyester laminate applied directly to glass surfaces. It uses a specialized coating to reflect infrared light and UV rays. This selective filtration dramatically improves the energy efficiency of windows. Low-e films reject solar heat gain in summer and decrease heat loss in winter.

How Does Low-E Window Film Work?

The low-e coating acts as a thermal regulator. It reflects interior heat back inside in winter and blocks solar heat from entering in summer. This cuts down on air conditioning and heating costs. Low-e films also reject 99% of UV rays to protect interiors from sun damage. Different types can be customized to address seasonal climate conditions in areas like Fort Collins.

Types of Low-E Window Films

Low-e window films come in a range of tinted and clear options optimized for various uses. Performance levels are measured by Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) and Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) ratings. Higher SHGC indicates more solar heat blocking, while higher VLT means more visible light transmission. Popular choices for Fort Collins include:

– Clear low-e films with high VLT for maximum light and heat control. Used in commercial buildings and homes.

– Lightly tinted low-e films that reduce glare while maintaining views. Ideal for offices and mixed-use spaces.

– Heavily tinted films and mirrored films that maximize insulation for optimal energy savings.

Professional installation ensures the right low-e film is applied to meet aesthetic and performance goals.

Benefits of Low-E Window Film in Fort Collins

Low-e window films offer a range of benefits tailored to the local climate and energy priorities in Fort Collins. Key perks include:

Energy Efficiency

Low-e films can reduce annual energy costs by blocking heat gain and loss through windows. This adds up to substantial savings on utility bills, especially during weather extremes. Lower energy usage also helps properties qualify for sustainability programs like LEED certification.

UV Protection

Fort Collins receives high UV exposure. Low-e films block up to 99% of UV rays to protect furniture, artwork, and interiors from sun damage. This preserves valuables and reduces fading. UV protection also promotes healthy skin by reducing exposure.

Comfort and Climate Control

Low-e films help maintain comfortable indoor temperatures year-round. In winter, window films deter heat loss through the glass to keep interiors cozy. During hot summers, they reduce solar heat gain to cut down on air conditioning costs. Low-e films also minimize temperature variances and hot/cold spots for more consistent comfort.

Cost Savings and Return on Investment

While low-e window films involve an upfront expense, they offer excellent ROI through energy savings over time. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that window films can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 30%. For the average Fort Collins home, this translates to hundreds of dollars in annual savings. Many low-e films pay for themselves in under 3-5 years. Local utility rebates and tax incentives also offset installation costs.

Installation and Maintenance

Professional installation is crucial to ensure low-e films perform correctly. Experts assess conditions, select appropriate films, and use a meticulous application process. Proper maintenance is also key. Following the correct cleaning methods allows low-e films to operate at peak efficiency.

Choosing the Right Low-E Film

With so many formulations available, it’s essential to select the right low-e film for your space. Important factors to consider include:

– Fort Collins climate needs – films that reduce summer solar gain vs. winter heat loss.

– Appearance preferences – tinted vs. clear and darkness levels.

– Performance goals – energy savings, UV blocking, glare reduction, etc.

– Local regulations – HOAs and historic buildings may limit allowable types.

A reputable dealer can recommend the perfect product to suit your windows, climate, budget and needs.

FAQs about Low-E Window Film

Many homeowners and businesses have questions about low-e window films. Here we answer some of the most common:

Do low-e films cause windows to look tinted?

Some do, but clear options are also available. Tints can be darker for more insulation or lighter for aesthetic preferences.

Is the installation process disruptive?

Installation is fast and clean. Most windows require no removal or special prep. The film is easily applied directly to existing glass.

Will low-e films damage window frames or glass?

When properly installed, low-e films are guaranteed not to harm windows or frames. They can be removed in the future with no adverse effects.

Do the films need special cleaning or maintenance?

Low-e films can be cleaned like regular windows using mild soap and water. Avoid abrasive scrubbers. Check annually for any damage.

Will low-e films improve home resale value?

Yes! Energy-efficient upgrades like low-e films boost home value. Reduced energy costs also make properties more affordable for buyers.

Upgrade Your Windows with Low-E Window Film in Fort Collins

In conclusion, low-e window films offer meaningful benefits for Fort Collins homes and businesses. With our city’s climate extremes, solar intensity, and focus on sustainability, low-e films are an effective solution to reduce energy costs, block UV rays, enhance comfort, and protect interiors. If you live in a neighborhood like Old Town, City Park, Ram’s Village, Huntington Hills, Ketcher Farm, or anywhere nearby, low-e window films can help manage the local conditions. Professional installation and product selection provides optimal results. Contact our team today to explore how low-e window films can help improve your property’s energy efficiency and comfort. We provide free estimates to residents and businesses in communities across Fort Collins. Let us help assess your needs and determine the ideal window film solutions for your space and budget. Our locally owned business has years of experience helping customers reduce energy costs while protecting their investments. Call today to schedule a consultation!