
Window Film Helps Austin Homeowners Save by Avoiding Replacement Costs

Window Film Helps Austin Homeowners Save by Avoiding Replacement Costs

So, your energy bills are high and you can’t seem to figure out why? You’ve tried all the usual tricks – setting timers, turning off the lights, and upgrading your appliances. But have you checked your windows? Old and poor performing windows are the number one cause of energy loss. Unfortunately, installing new windows can be expensive. That’s where window film for your Austin home can help!


Window Film for Better Energy Efficiency & Savings

If your energy bills seem unusually high, you may want to check your windows. Windows that leak hot and cold air can overwork your HVAC system and raise your energy usage. A quick way to check is to stand near your windows and see if you can notice a temperature change. If so, you’ve identified the problem. You can also try holding a lit candle near your windows to see if the flame flickers. If it does, you know that your windows are causing some type of insulation issue.

Unfortunately, ew windows can cost anywhere from $150 to $700 each. With a price tag like that, it’s easy to see how the cost adds up. Chances are, you’re going to need to replace more than one window.

That’s where window film for your Austin home can help. Energy efficient films provide an easy and affordable way to improve the performance of your windows without replacing them. Not only are they much cheaper than new windows, but they’re also highly effective – saving 30% or more on energy costs each year.


How Much Does Window Tinting Cost?

The cost of home window tinting is determined based on the quality of the film, time to install, and size of your windows. On average, for a moderate size home, you can expect to pay about $300-$900 for residential window tinting. When you add up the cost for new windows, it’s easy to see that window tinting is definitely the cheaper alternative.


Talk to a Window Film Expert

Have 1questions about window film for your Austin home? Chat with one of our experts. Call our office today to get in touch