
Window film has come a long way since its invention and now allows for total clarity--making it perfect for your Colorado Springs home.

Will Window Film Darken My Colorado Springs Home’s Windows?

Dark Windows From Film:  Fact Or Fiction?

A frequent and understandable question we get here at Scottish Window Film Colorado Springs is–will window film darken my home’s windows.  To understand this, let’s take a look at how window film works.

How Does Modern Window Film Work?

Many people think window film works like a shade or curtain by way of blocking out the sun.  While that may have been true of early window films, today’s window films are more high-tech than ever and actually absorb the harmful rays of the sun while still allowing natural light into your home. You see, sun rays are made up of many different types of waves–only one of which is visible to the human eye, the other rays like UV, UVA and UVB rays are the ones that damage furniture.  Window film absorbs the harmful ones but allows for complete clarity on through your windows by allowing in the good one–visible light.

So, as you can see, window film does not necessarily darken windows almost at all–but read on to find out more about what your windows will look like after being tinted.

Window Film For A Clear, Unobstructed View

Here at Scottish Window tinting, we offer a huge range of window films keep glass clear and bright and allows natural light to stream into your home, while still accomplishing any number of tasks.  From lowering utility bills to reducing glare and everything in between. These films range from virtually invisible to visible to intentionally dark. But what it comes down to is–the glass will appear clear unless you choose a dark film.  In fact, in many cases, window film will give your home a brighter appearance–while at the same time blocking the glare and solar heat gain. So much so, that you will be able to completely remove blinds and curtains, as they are no longer necessary

What About Reflective Films?  Will They Make My Colorado Springs Home Dark?

Reflective window films change looks throughout the day depending on the time and light conditions. When viewed from the indoors reflective film doesn’t look dark–in fact, there are even reflective films that redirect light further into your home, brightening areas of your home deeper inside and reducing the need for lighting. But, unless you choose a darkly tinted film your Colorado Springs home windows will look natural–inside or out.

Watch the video below to see the power of window film for yourself,

Thinking about window film for your Colorado Springs home but need more information?  Contact us today to discuss your options and find out more about pricing.