
Why Safety and Security Films Make a Huge Difference in Home Defense

Why Safety and Security Films Make a Huge Difference in Home Defense

The safety and security of your Las Vegas home should be a top priority for any homeowner, especially those with families. Taking the proper measures to defend against intruders is essential in today’s world – and that is where safety and security films come in. Adding these reliable layers between you, your family, and potential criminals can make all the difference when it comes to protecting what matters most to you. So why choose safety and security film? Read on to find out!

What is Safety and Security Film?

Safety and security film is an advanced window glazing solution designed to reduce the risk of break-ins, storm damage, and explosions. It is typically composed of multiple layers of strong polyester adhered together and applied directly to the existing glass. The specially engineered film, when exposed to sudden impact or a blast, holds shattered glass in place, providing an important layer of protection for both people and property within the structure. It also blocks up to 99% of harmful UV rays that gradually damages fabrics, furniture, artwork, and flooring. This versatile product has increasingly become a popular choice among commercial building developers due to its superior durability, cost-effectiveness, and ability to drastically enhance peace of mind.

How Does Safety and Security Film Keep Home Intruders Out?

Installing safety and security film on the windows of Las Vegas homes is an effective way to protect against potential intruders. The film is applied to the glass surface and acts as a barrier, making it more difficult to break the window. It’s designed to absorb impact and hold broken glass together, so even if a burglar does manage to smash the window, it will not easily crumble away or provide an opening large enough for entry. As an added layer of protection, some safety and security films are manufactured with glues that adhere the broken pieces to their frame. This keeps home intruders at bay and greatly decreases the chances of a successful breaking-and-entering.

 Safety and Security Film Also Blocks UV Rays

Safety and security film is not just a protective solution for Las Vegas homes but can also block UV rays. This UV-blocking capability is great for protecting people and valuables from excessive UV exposure as well as vandalism or burglary attempts. UV rays can cause harm to people and damage property, furniture, carpets, pictures, and more which makes UV blocking an essential property of any security window film installation. By installing the right safety and security films, you’ll be offering your home the ultimate protection from UV radiation as well as a sense of security.

Schedule a Free Las Vegas Home Security Audit

Security films can be a great way to provide peace of mind for any Las Vegas homeowner. They are effective in deterring burglars from entering homes and protecting furniture and people from harmful UV rays. Not only does it provide coverage for the immediate areas around windows, but also adds an extra barrier of protection for outdoor decks and patios. Ultimately, the choice to install security films is an investment in safety that outweighs its costs. If you are considering a security film or are curious to know more about it, contact us today and get a free security audit to determine your home’s best security needs!