
Tempered glass is expensive but necessary for some home remodels-window film can be used as a cost-effective alternative though.

Safety Window Film Instead Of Tempered Glass For Your Denver Remodel

Safety Window Film Instead Of Tempered Glass For Your Denver Remodel

Bringing Your Denver Home Windows Up To Code During A Remodel

Remodels are notoriously expensive, just ask anyone who has ever attempted one.  The flip side of this is of course, that remodeling your home and making it more liveable is almost always worth the time and money spent in the process.  One problem that often rears its ugly head during remodels is bringing your home or commercial building up to code in order to proceed with the project.  Codes for many areas of homes and commercial spaces change frequently and in order to get a permit to make structural changes, you must also agree to make sure your property conforms to any codes that have come into existence since your property’s last upgrade.  One such area that can be very expensive to retrofit is the windows.  In today’s day and age, safety glass is required in many “dangerous” areas where it never was before.  Places like bathroom and stairwells as well as sliding glass doors and extra-large windows are now required to have tempered glass.  The cost for this can be many thousands of dollars depending on the scope of these projects–which could put you way over budget in your remodel.  However, an easy and affordable workaround for retrofitting windows and doors with tempered glass during your remodel is safety window film.

Can Safety Window Film Be Used Instead Of Tempered Glass To Bring Denver Remodels Up To Code?

As mentioned before, areas deemed hazardous are required by building codes to have glazing/tempered glass installed in our around them.  3M Safety Window Films meet such requirements but cost much, much less than replacing the glass in these locations. Additionally, the time it takes to replace these window can be quite prohibitive as well.  Which is why 3M safety film, which can be installed in as little as one day, is the smart alternative to tempered glass when it comes to your Denver home or commercial remodel.

Don’t let your Denver remodel get the best of you.  Get your windows up to code the right way and for a fraction of the cost of full window replacement by contacting Scottish Window Tinting today!