
Tempered glass is expensive but necessary for some home remodels-window film can be used as a cost-effective alternative though.

Safety Window Film As An Inexpensive Tempered Glass Workaround

Safety Window Film As An Inexpensive Tempered Glass Workaround

Bringing Your Fort Collins Home Windows Up To Code During A Remodel

It is no secret that remodels are extremely expensive– just ask anyone who has ever done one.  However, remodeling your home and thereby allowing yourself a better quality of life is almost always worth the time and money you spend. One problem that occurs a lot during remodels is trying to bring your home or commercial building up to code. Since codes change frequently, it is almost a guarantee that in order to proceed with your remodel there are few things you will need to fix to conform to one new code or the another.  One such area almost always ends up being ultra-expensive is the retrofitting of windows with safety glass.  Today’s building codes are much more stringent, requiring safety glass in windows or doors near or around “dangerous” areas: in bathrooms and stairwells,  sliding glass doors and ramps all require tempered glass.  The cost for this can be extremely high depending on the scope of the project.  However, a simple and cost-effective workaround for retrofitting windows and doors with tempered glass during your remodel is safety window film.

Can Safety Window Film Be Used Instead Of Tempered Glass To Bring Fort Collins Remodels Up To Code?

As mentioned above, areas deemed hazardous by building codes are required to have glazed/tempered glass installed in our around them.  But with 3M Safety Window Films instead, you can avoid the hassle and high cost of installing tempered glass.  It is a perfectly acceptable substitute that will save you a significant amount of money.  Just think–you can use the money you save to do even more to your Fort Collins home or commercial space during your remodel!  Also, the time it takes to replace windows during a remodel can be quite prohibitive as well.  Which is why 3M safety film, which can be installed in as little as one day, is the smart alternative to tempered glass when it comes to your Fort Collins home or commercial remodel.

Watch the video below to find out more on window film as a tempered glass substitute:

Don’t let your remodel get the best of you.  Get your windows up to code the right way and for a fraction of the cost of full window replacement by contacting Scottish Window Tinting today!