
Safety and security window film is a great way to keep your Denver home safe from the sometimes extreme weather patterns--like frequent hail.

Keeping Your Home Safe From Severe Weather with 3M Security Window Film

Keeping Your Home Safe From Severe Weather with 3M Security Window Film

Here in Denver, we have a lot of things to worry about weather-wise. While it is beautiful and sunny most of the time–when things turn–the weather can be downright dangerous. This is why 3M window film which protects windows from shattering into lethal shards when it breaks is a good idea to keep your Denver home safe from all sorts of severe weather.

Types of Weather Safety Window Film Protects From

  1. Security Film For Protection From Debris From Strong Winds: Just outside of tornado alley, Denver gets its fair share of storms. While they do not tend to be as intense in the city as they are out on the plains–flying debris is a threat. Windows treated with 3M security films and C-bond adhesive are stronger and more flexible. Even if they do break–the glass will stay intact–meaning less damage to your home’s interiors and your family.
  2. Security Film For Protection From Hail: Hail in Denver is no joke. It comes without much warning and blasts everything in its path. This is why you need to treat your Denver home’s window with 3M security film applied with 3M adhesive. It gives glass the strength and flexibility it needs to ward off most blows from hail but even when shattered by hail–glass shards stay adhered to the film.
  3. Security Film For Intense Heat and UV: When most people think about 3M security window film they think glass protection. While that is correct–3M window film mostly protects from impact on glass–what they may not realize is that it gives UV protection too. Furthermore, it traps in cooled air too so your Denver home stays cooler. As the world gets warmer these films that do dual duties are becoming more popular because even a little protection the blazing sun here goes a long way when it comes to energy expenditures.

For more information on 3M window film or any of our other powerful security films, contact us at Scottish Window Tinting today!