
How Window Film Can Increase the Safety and Privacy of Fort Collins Hospitals

Safety and privacy have always been high priorities for any hospital. According to Time Magazine, violent attacks on hospitals and health workers has drastically increased in recent years across the globe. These findings make increasing hospital security very necessary in order to protect patients and hospital staff members. Window film delivers the most affordable solution that offers premium security benefits around the clock. Privacy film options also add another layer of safety and comfort for all Fort Collins hospital occupants.

Window Film Benefits for Fort Collins Hospitals

Safety and security window film provides optimal safety benefits for Fort Collins hospitals. Protect your patients and hospital staff from a multitude of threats including break-ins, explosions, attacks, natural disasters, and more. Bomb blast film and ballistic resistant film delivers further protection against explosions and gunfire– a great addition for security centers and hospital entrances. Most security film features an invisible layer of protection but some offer a different aesthetic for those seeking privacy. With privacy tint, assailants won’t be able to scope out your property or observe patients. Privacy film can optimize hospital comfort, allowing patients and staff to feel at ease knowing that all unwanted views are obscured.

Installing Security Window Film for Your Fort Collins Hospital

Every safety and security project begins with an on-site threat assessment that’s completed by our security experts and civil engineers. This is assessment delivers cost-benefit analysis as well as complete estimates and what points of the building are most vulnerable. Once this is completed, security film is installed with recommended attachment systems and glass primers/strengtheners. Our window film experts minimize downtime as much as possible and ensure a quick, stress-free installation process.

For more information regarding safety and security film or privacy tint for your Fort Collins hospital, please contact us or give us a call: (970) 237-4998