
When asking if new windows or window tinting is better, it comes down to how much money do you want to save.

Is Window Tinting Better Than Getting New Windows?

Is Window Tinting Better Than Getting New Windows?

Window Tinting Vs. New Windows For Your Kansas City Home

We talk a lot about how window film can save your money on your Kansas City home’s heating and cooling bills and trust us–it does.  However, many people still struggle with the concept of applying window tinting on their windows vs just buying new, more advanced windows that they believe will do the same exact thing.  Well, beyond the just the incredibly high cost of total window replacement (10X as much in some cases)  is the science behind what window tinting is doing and how that same effect cannot be achieved with new windows alone and here is why.

How Does Window Tint Work Better Than Glass?

Window film is an extremely thin layer of polyester, metal and sometimes ceramics that is applied to existing windows. It comes in a variety of thicknesses. However,  most solar films range from 1-2 mil. The reason why film can do what new windows cannot is that clear single-pane windows have very low solar reflection and absorption only rejecting about 19% of the sun’s heat. Tinted windows, on the other hand, are better at solar rejection, but still only reject 35-45% of the sun’s heat.  Better still, windows tinted with energy-saving films reduce heat load by up to 84%.  The point here is that even a new window is still just glass and cannot perform to the level of a window treated with energy savings film.  Think about what you would do with an 84% of your heating and cooling bills from last year refunded to you?!  Pretty amazing right?

Another issue that new windows alone cannot address is hot or cold spots, which occur due to imbalances between the sunny and shaded areas of the building.  However,  solar film can minimize the problem because it equalizes the amount of light entering the home. So, in addition to reducing energy use, it also improves the home’s overall comfort level.

You live in the Kansas City area and are looking to save money year round with window film for your Kansas City home, contact Scottish Window Tinting today!