Going Green with Window Film in Your Home
If you’re looking for another way to go green in your home, window film may be your next great home investment to stay environmentally friendly. Heating and cooling is probably the source of the majority of your home energy usage, and window film can lower your energy costs by up to 60 percent, a change you can definitely feel great about.
The most popular reason most people invest in window film is actually the money it can save you in heating and cooling costs. With an up to 60 percent savings, window film usually pays for itself in 2 to 5 years, and then continues to give you a great return on your investment.
What your cost savings means in terms of going green, however, is that you’ll actually be using less energy to heat and cool your home year-round, effectively reducing your carbon footprint as a whole. The less energy you use in your home, the less of a negative impact you’ll have on the environment in the long run.
Conserving energy in any way can be helpful to the environment, and why not take the step that can also help you feel more comfortable in your home? Window film helps to keep the heat out during the summer, and keep the heat in during the winter time, which makes it easier to heat and cool your home to a comfortable temperature for you and your family.
Long term, one of the biggest benefits of window film is that you’ll be using your heating and cooling units less, meaning you won’t have to replace or repair them nearly as much. Big units used to heat and cool homes can be very difficult to recycle, so you’ll want yours to last as long as possible for more reasons than just cost. Keeping your units in good health will mean less waste of these items in the long run.
In many cases, homeowners choose to completely replace the windows throughout a home instead of adding window film. Unless your home has extremely outdated windows, or the actual framing has been damaged, window tinting is almost always the better investment. While new windows will definitely help you conserve energy, they are a huge investment, costing between $7,000 and 10,000 for the average home.
On the other hand, window film only costs about $1,100 for the average home, an investment that will pay for itself in less than half the time that new windows will. People often choose window film while they begin saving for new windows, as it is a great way to save energy along the way. This means you can save more than just energy; this green step towards energy efficiency will save you money as well.
Visit our window film benefits pages to learn more about how adding window film to your home can benefit you and your family. We offer a wide selection of the highest quality window film products, so feel free to contact us with any questions.