
How Window Film Saves Money on Actual Energy Bills in Denver

How Window Film Saves Money on Actual Energy Bills in Denver

Denver’s intense high-altitude climate can swing from blazing hot to freezing cold within a matter of hours, making it hard for residents to find a balance between their heaters and their A.C. (if their property has an A.C.). Fortunately, window film gives Denver homes and businesses an extra layer of insulation to negate the effects of the mountain climate. In particular, energy efficient window film can lead to a significant savings on actual energy bills for Denver residents.

The Impact of Window Film for Denver Residences and Commercial Spaces

One common question that we receive from customers considering window film for their Denver property is how much money they can expect to save.Ultimately, the exact dollar amount that window film can save you on your actual energy bills in Denver depends on the type of building, window, and window film you have.

However, high-quality energy efficient window film combats against unpredictable weather changes, intense sunlight, and wind and snow blowing from the Rockies to provide additional insulation, leading to greater savings.

window film denver before

The photo above shows how effective window film can be in Denver’s climate. Pictured here is the energy bill for an average size home in Denver before installing film.

window film denver after

This next photo shows the energy bill for the same house after installing Vista window film. The difference is incredible.

Our Vista and Low-E Window Film Provide Energy Savings on Actual Energy Bills for Denver Residents

At Scottish Window Tinting, we use high-quality low-e and Vista window film on our Denver customers’ properties for its phenomenal performance and energy savings. The savings from Vista and low-e window film can be seen on the actual energy bills for your Denver space in 18 months.

Call Scottish Window Tinting Today for Your Window Film Installation in Denver!

See firsthand how window film can translate into savings on actual energy bills for Denver residential and commercial spaces when you call our office today!