
Benefits of Bird Strike Prevention Film for Dallas Buildings

Benefits of Bird Strike Prevention Film for Dallas Buildings

The city of Dallas houses towering skyscrapers and sleek, reflective buildings that cut quite a striking figure against the landscape, from Reunion Tower to the Dallas Museum of Art. One unforeseen side effect of these shimmering buildings, however, is the astronomical amount of bird fatalities that result from their pristine reflectiveness. Fortunately, bird strike prevention film allows Dallas companies and building owners to prevent these unfortunate animal deaths while protecting their structures.

bird strike prevention window film dallas

Keep Birds Safe & Keep Your Building Clean with Bird Strike Prevention Film

Whenever a high-quality bird strike prevention film is installed, both Dallas business owners and bird advocates can breathe easy knowing that the averted deaths of birds is a win-win for everyone. No one wants to confront the death of an animal in their workspace. Additionally, not only can the bird population thrive naturally, but your business also benefits monetarily, avoiding the expenditure of extra cleanings and unnecessary property damage.

How Fritted Window Film Works as Bird Strike Prevention Film in Dallas

Fritted glass, embedded with lines or ceramic dots, is easily visible as a non-reflective surface to birds. However, replacing the glass in your office or commercial building with fritted glass can be costly. A cost-effective alternative to installing fritted glass is to use fritted window film, which can include dot patterns, vertical lines, horizontal lines, or a custom design. This type of bird strike prevention film allows Dallas companies to take easy, effective measures to protect the birds and their buildings.

Consult the Experts at Scottish for Your Bird Strike Prevention Film Installation in Dallas

Give our office a call today to learn more about our installation services and the products we use for bird strike prevention film on Dallas buildings.