
Why Choose Scottish Window Tinting

Residential window tinting can offer you the best return on investment (ROI) for your home, and we are proud to offer the highest-quality, most efficient tinting products available today. The International Film Association has published countless studies including new and existing homes detailing the benefits of installing quality residential window tinting, and getting the most ROI possible.

Window Tinting in New Homes

Homes built today have higher standards in building codes than older homes, and typically include more efficient heating and cooling equipment, standard windows with a higher U-factor, increased insulation, and buried ducts to save on energy costs. Still, homes are typically never built with the highest quality products as it isn’t required to meet the building codes.

In a study that tested the results of replacing major aspects that affect energy efficiency in a home, both new and old, window film resulted in the highest cost savings per $100 dollars spent. This was in comparison to installing better functioning insulation, heating and cooling equipment, and performing an air-sealing process. In fact, window tinting offered more than double the savings in some cases as an air-sealing process or a more effective furnace.

The chart below, published by the International Film Association, shows the Time Dependent Valuation of energy (TDV) based on several changes throughout a home. The orange represents window film installed on single pane windows, the red is the effect on double pane windows, and the blue represents other energy efficient upgrades.

Energy Savings with Scottish Window Tinting

Your windows are the biggest outlet for heat loss in your home, regardless of age, so it makes sense that applying an effective window treatment can make the biggest difference. As with any home upgrade, however, your window tinting is only as effective as the installation, and at Scottish Window Tinting, we offer the best service in all aspects of the project.

Let our experts give you an in-home consultation to go over the types of highly efficient window film that will work best for your unique home and needs. We work with only the best products to ensure that every client gets the most out of their investment, and our installers have the experience needed for an effective update on your home!

Energy Analysis for Window Films Applications in New and
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