
Bomb Blast Window Film Protects Knoxville Schools & Students

Bomb Blast Window Film Protects Knoxville Schools & Students

In 2021, the Tennessee government released a report on crime in Tennessee schools. According to the report, crime rates in TN schools increased by 96.05% from 2020 to 2021. What’s more, while personal weapons lead the way for types of weapons used in school crimes, the one that followed was dangerous weapons, placing them at the number two spot on the list. Because of these reasons and more, we highly recommend bomb blast window for Knoxville schools.

Bomb blast window film provides schools with a way to mitigate the effects of dangerous attacks by strengthening and reinforcing vulnerable glass areas. Not only can it help minimize damage to school campuses, but it can also help prevent life-threatening glass injuries.


What Exactly Is Bomb Blast Window Film?

Bomb blast window film is a type of protective film that is applied to the exterior surface of glass windows. Its purpose is to help reduce the risk of injury and damage from the shattering of glass in the event of a bomb explosion.


How Does It Protect Schools?

The film is designed to hold the glass together, preventing it from breaking into large, dangerous shards and reducing the risk of injury to those nearby. In schools, bomb threats are a major concern. Bomb blast window films provide Knoxville schools with a way to mitigate risk associated with bombings and explosives.


Ways Bomb Blast Window Film Can Minimize Hazards in Schools

As the safety of students and staff in schools remains a top priority for educators and parents, the use of bomb blast window film has become an increasingly popular way to increase the protection and security of these buildings. Here are some of the ways this technology can help keep schools safe from the potential dangers of a bomb explosion:

  • Shatter resistant glass: It helps to protect against the shattering of glass in the event of an explosion. This is especially important in schools, where students and staff are constantly moving around the building and could be in close proximity to windows in the event of an explosion.
  • Protective barrier:  The film can also help slow down the entry of hazardous debris into the building in the event of an explosion. During a blast, objects, building materials, and debris could go flying in any direction. The film acts as a barrier, slowing down the progress of debris, and protecting those inside.
  • Reduce damage: It’s a great option for controlling damage. It can reduce the cost of repairs and allow the building to return to normal operations more quickly.


Protect Your School with Bomb Blast Window Film

Call today to learn more about the benefits of bomb blast window film for your Knoxville school.