
Window Film Saves Denver Schools Tons of Money on Renovations

Window Film Saves Denver Schools Tons of Money on Renovations

There’s no way of getting around it: school budgets are tight. But renovations have to be every once in awhile to keep schools safe and functioning. That’s why Denver school districts are now turning to window film to solve their problems. Window film has been proven to make many Denver schools more energy efficient and reduces costs associated with repairs. And the best news of all is that it’s completely affordable. Below, we’ve outlined some of the benefits for schools of installing window film.

How Schools in Denver Are Saving Money with Window Film

1. Window film makes schools more energy efficient.

If you’ve found that your school is spending tons of money on air conditioning, you’re not alone. Schools are notorious for using large amounts of AC, especially here in Colorado where temperatures can get quite high during the summer. And while you may have considered installing triple or double pane windows, the reality is that window replacement is super expensive. Window film is a much more affordable way to make your school more energy efficient. And the best part is, it can also save you money during the winter too.

2. Special “anti-graffiti films” save money on bathroom repairs.

If you haven’t heard of anti-graffiti film before, you’ve got to check it out. Anti graffiti film is a special type of window film that’s applied to surfaces to protect them against and cover up graffiti. It’s a great way to prevent damage to the bathroom stalls and mirrors in your school and it can also be used to complete bathroom renovations on a budget.

3. Window film prevents school interiors from being damaged.

Accidents happen, and schools are no exception. When a rock or baseball comes flying at the windows of your school, they’re bound to break. And the aftermath most likely won’t be very pretty. Glass shards can seriously damage flooring, furniture, and objects, all of which are expensive to replace. With security window film, you can prevent damage caused by broken glass. Security film holds glass shards in place, keeping school interiors, staff, and students protected from dangerous shrapnel.

Install Window Film for Your Denver School

The new school year is just around the corner. Get your renovations done with plenty of time left to prepare for back to school by contacting Scottish Window Tinting to schedule an appointment for window film installation in Denver.