
The benefits of window film for Denver area hotels are vast and they also mean more than one avenue of additional profits.

How Denver Hotels Benefit from Window Films

How Denver Hotels Benefit from Window Films

Hotels And Window Film:  The Perfect Pairing


Window film is a fantastic technology that permeates the world and buildings we live in.  The reason for its popularity and ubiquity is simple– window tinting works and is cost-effective to apply to any building large or small.  In the commercial sector, many different types of properties have adopted and benefited from window film but one big winner seems to be hotels.  This is due to a combination of benefits for these large hospitality structures that are unique to buildings that house and serve a vast amount of people in various fashions throughout the year.  Below we have listed some of the benefits of window film for hotels here in Denver.


Benefits Of Window Film For Hotels


Window Film For Superior Solar Control In Hotels

The sun in Denver is especially hot because we live in a higher elevation–that is not an urban legend but rather, a fact. The windows on hotels here heat up fast and stay hot into the evening, leading to hot and cold spots throughout hotel rooms and lobby.  What’s more, the glare from the sun is overwhelming here, especially in the afternoon until the sunsets. Window tinting on hotel room windows stops both glare and solar heat gain, keeping guests in a comfortable temperature and able to enjoy a glare-free room.


Window Film For Significantly Lower Utility Bills


One of the biggest barriers to making a profit in the commercial world is the cost of utilities.  Hotels are even more susceptible to this because they often don’t control the temperatures of rooms–the guests do.  Window film keeps solar heat gain to a minimum and heat seepage through windows down, meaning rooms stay at a consistent temperature and guests use less a/c or heat.  Additionally, window film stops the HVAC from working extra hard to keep temperatures consistent, meaning fewer expensive repairs.


Window Film For Better Safety And Security


In a day and age where attacks from terrorists are spiking in numbers, any place that houses a large number of people in one place is a potential target for violence–yes, even here in Denver.  Window film is the perfect way for hotels to add a strong layer of security to their establishment, from bullet to bomb protection, at a good price and without something as obvious as an armed guard.  

Watch the video below for more information on window tinting for your hotel.


If you are interested in window film for your Denver hotel, contact Scottish Window Tinting today for more information on how window film can work for you!