
Don't let fear of dark windows hold you back from getting window tint and improving the quality of life in your home!

Will Window Tint Darken My Austin Home’s Windows Too Much?

Will Window Tint Darken My Austin Home’s Windows Too Much?

Window Tint Myths Dispelled

We are often asked, “Will window tint make my windows too dark?”

And our answer is a sound “NO!”.

The truth is, will window film will darken your window slightly, you have a lot of control over the actual shade and intensity with which type of film you choose. Other factors that you can control are opacity and reflectivity… so it’s really up to you. Just changing the color, darkness or reflectivity of your Austin home’s windows is not all that the tint is doing either. Window tinting for your home provides a slew of benefits on top of the aesthetics including these big 3.

Window Tinting Benefits For Your Austin Home

Heat: The summer sun’s heat can be harsh in Austin and did you know that windows are the number one cause of heat gain in most of today’s homes? Window film can provide nearly invisible protection for your windows which can reduce up to 67% of the sun’s heat while reducing cooling costs by up to 30%–giving your HVAC a break and a longer life.

Glare: A very common reason to apply home window film is to get rid of annoying glare through your Austin home’s windows. Many window films were created specifically created to reduce glare while enhancing the views from your home windows. After all, your home windows are meant to be looked out of and enjoyed, not covered by blinds and drapes!

Fading: The sun’s UV rays are the worst when it comes to fading your interior furnishings. Most, if not all, home window films promote 99.9% UV protection and we at Scottish Window Tinting, can help you sort through the best brands like 3M, Enerlogic or Vista to fit for your particular needs.

Don’t let the fear of dark windows stop you from living the best life in your Austin home through window tinting. Contact Scottish Window Tinting today for a free consultation!