
The Facts About Window Film and Energy Audits in Dallas

The Facts About Window Film and Energy Audits in Dallas

Dallas properties face harsh weather conditions that often dictate energy needs. With large AC consumption as well as heating efforts in winter months, finding energy efficient solutions remains a priority for both residential and commercial properties. When it comes to finding an affordable energy efficiency option, many are curious about just how effective window film really is. We provide professional energy audits that can help residents better understand their current energy usage while offering significant figures of money-saving outcomes after window film installation.

Benefits of Energy Audits and Energy Efficient Window Film in Your Dallas Property

Many of our clients ask us how much they’ll save once they install window film. Unfortunately, this isn’t a straightforward answer. In order to provide proper estimates, we need current data on energy usage as well as assessing your property in person to determine any challenges or specific goals. Once we have your energy usage information and have conducted an on-site assessment, we make three product recommendations based on your specific needs. We submit your information directly to each window film manufacturer so they can provide accurate figures on how much money you’ll save. Energy efficient window film also provides great glare reduction and UV blocking capabilities that are crucial for improving comfort and safety in your Dallas property.

Installation Process for Energy Efficient Window Film in Dallas Properties

Scottish Window Tinting is proud to be the preferred energy efficiency window film contractor serving the Dallas area. Our window film experts can help you get your property LEED certified as well as qualified for rebates that many energy companies offer. We provide the quickest, stress-free installation processes that prioritize your time and schedule. Work with our specialists in order to save significantly year-round!

For more information regarding energy efficient window film for your Dallas property, please contact us!