
There are some windows in homes that need a bit more privacy like the bathroom and sidelights--decorative window film will work on any window in your home!

Best Windows for Privacy Window Film on Your Home

Best Windows for Privacy Window Film on Your Home

In a time when San Antonio is growing like crazy–the city is getting increasingly crowded. This means more people passing by your home and houses being built closer together. Almost anyone you ask here will likely have one window they just wish has a bit more coverage on. As it happens, decorative window film is perfect for getting the home privacy you need without sacrificing natural light anywhere in your home. However, some windows need it the most. Read below to find out which ones we are best for this amazing technology.

Top Windows For Home Privacy Tinting

  1. Bathroom Windows:  Your bathroom is almost always the only place you can get a little time to yourself. This is why window film, which blocks the views coming in from windows facing the street or neighbors is so practical in bathrooms!
  2. Sidelight Windows:  These windows on the side of your front door are great for natural light and style but do little to keep out the eyes of whoever walks onto your front porch. Window film, which comes in several etched glass looking patterns is the perfect solution to privacy to your sidelight windows.
  3. Door Windows: Window film for privacy on your front door window is an easy solution to keeping unwanted views from neighbors or the street out. However, since window film also adds security to door windows–making them harder to break–they are also a great way to prevent home burglary

These are the areas we install privacy window film about 90% of the time. But, as mentioned, it really is perfect for any glass surface you need privacy coverage: bedrooms, basements, kitchens too! For more information on privacy window patterns and pricing–contact us today!