
HelloFresh Warehouse Near Kansas City Installs Energy Efficiency Window Film

HelloFresh Warehouse Near Kansas City Installs Energy Efficiency Window Film

One of the challenges of running a warehouse is keeping energy costs low. Because of their sheer immensity, warehouses can be difficult to keep at a stable temperature, especially during the height of summer or winter when the weather really starts to act up. That’s why this warehouse in Kansas City decided to install energy saving window film. And the results from this simple renovation were phenomenal.

Energy Costs Are on the Rise in Commercial Buildings Everywhere

Energy costs are a real problem in the business world. Most buildings in the U.S. are constructed with single pane glass which has poor insulation and creates a dramatic amount of unwanted heat loss or gain. Therefore, when temperatures fluctuate, your HVAC system exhausts itself in feeble effort to control the situation. But most of the time, not even high powered heating or cooling systems can keep up with extreme weather. Not only is this expensive, but it can also pose other problems to your business. If you have products or merchandise that are temperature sensitive, you’ve got to have a way to stable temperatures in order to prevent product degradation.

HelloFresh Goes Green and Saves Money

This was the case with HelloFresh. HelloFresh is a meal planning company. They deliver delectable ingredients with easy to make recipes straight to your doorstep on a weekly basis. This eliminates the need for frequent grocery trips and is quite a useful service for the busy American family. Hence, their warehouse is stock full of meal ready fruits, vegetables, and other foods. Therefore, keeping temperatures stable and lowering energy costs was a priority for the company, so they opted for energy saving window film.

How Window Film Works

Energy saving window film works to regulate the amount of heat that enters and leaves your building. It reduces solar heat gain by up to 78% during the summer and also traps in beneficial radiant heat during the winter. On average, energy saving film reduces energy costs by 15-30% and provides a lifetime savings of up to $3,500.

Upgrade Your Kansas City Business with Energy Efficiency Window Film

Take control of your energy situation today. Call Scottish Window Tinting to have energy saving window film installed for your Kansas City business. Our window films are reliable, affordable, and also look great in commercial settings. Contact our office today to get a quote or receive more information.