
Facts about UV Blocking Window Film for Your Dallas Home

Facts about UV Blocking Window Film for Your Dallas Home

Are you someone who loves spending time in the sun? No doubt, there are benefits of getting enough sunlight, including mood-boosting benefits and health benefits. But too much of a good thing can be not so great, and sun exposure also has its risks. That’s why it’s a good idea to invest in UV blocking window film for your Dallas home. Below, we’ve shared some interesting facts about UV blocking film and its benefits!


What Is Window Film with UV Protection?

Window film with UV protection is a thin layer of material that is applied to the interior surface of windows in a home. It blocks harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, which can cause damage to furniture, flooring, and other interior surfaces over time, as well as health problems.


Surprising Facts about UV Blocking Window Film

If you’re new to the world of home window tinting, you probably have some questions about how it works. Below, we’ve provided some information that we hope you will find useful. Here are some interesting and insightful facts about installing UV blocking window film for your Dallas home:


Fact #1: It Doesn’t Block Visible Light

It’s a common misconception that window film with UV protection will make a home dark inside. However, most UV blocking films are designed to allow visible light to pass through while blocking harmful UV rays from the sun.

UV blocking films are made with a special type of material that contains metalized or reflective particles. These particles are engineered to selectively filter out UV light while allowing visible light to pass through. This means that you can enjoy the benefits of natural light without worrying about UV damage to your home’s interior.


Fact #2: It Reduces Your Skin Cancer Risk

Exposure to UV rays is a leading cause of skin cancer, and it’s important to take steps to protect your skin from these rays, even when you’re inside your home. Window tint can play a role in preventing skin cancer by blocking harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun.


Fact #3: Your Furniture and Flooring will Last Longer

UV rays cause fading and discoloration in fabrics, wood, and other materials over time, leading to damage and reduced lifespan. UV blocking window film prevents fading in furniture and floors by reducing the amount of ultraviolet (UV) light that enters your home.


Protect Your Dallas Home with UV Blocking Window Film

Call our office today to get a quote or learn more about our services!