
Window Film for Your Chattanooga Home Protects Your Floors

Window Film for Your Chattanooga Home Protects Your Floors

Whether it’s hardwood, tile, carpet, or something else, your flooring is one of your home’s most important features. Not only do they help define the aesthetic of the room, but they’re also important in terms of comfort and durability. That’s why it’s important to take good care of your floors and protect them from the sun. UV blocking window film helps Chattanooga homeowners preserve their flooring and prevent irreversible sun damage.


How Sunlight Damages Your Flooring

Most homeowners don’t realize that their floors need sun protection until it’s too late. They spend years not thinking about how the sunlight coming in through their windows is affecting their carpet or hardwood. Then, at some point, they decide to rearrange the furniture or move things around for cleaning and they see a clear line that indicates fading. The flooring looks pristine in the spots where furniture was covering it, but the exposed areas are faded and worn-looking.

This happens because floors fade when they’re exposed to UV radiation. UV rays are a naturally occurring form of radiation that are part of the light emitted by the sun. When UV rays come into contact with color dyes (both natural and man-made), a reaction occurs that causes the dyes to lose color.

That’s why it’s important to protect your flooring from the sun.


How UV Blocking Window Film Can Help

One of the best ways to prevent fading in your floors is to install UV blocking window film for your Chattanooga home. UV blocking window tints use spectrally selective engineering to detect UV rays and reflect them away from your home. This way, you don’t have to worry about UV light getting into your windows and ruining your flooring, but you can still enjoy plenty of natural light!


Protect Your Home from the Sun

Call our office today to get a quote on UV blocking window film in Chattanooga or the surrounding area!