
Help Keep Your Austin University Operating at Maximum Efficiency with Window Film

Help Keep Your Austin University Operating at Maximum Efficiency with Window Film

Sustainability is an important part of Austin’s culture. Students who attend Austin universities expect their school to adapt the same like minded principles that they do in their own lives. And with natural resources dwindling rapidly, it’s up to educational institutions to be the leaders in adapting eco-friendly ways of operating and pass these values onto their students.

One of the best investments that any Austin school or university can make is to install energy efficient window film. Energy efficient window films are an environmentally friendly alternative to triple and double pane glass whose manufacturing processes release huge amounts of pollution. And they can also keep schools operating at maximum efficiency by limiting the quantity of resources and energy they use throughout the year, saving money.

Window Film for Energy Efficiency

Energy efficient window film is a powerful tool that can tremendously improve the performance of your windows. Glass is a very porous material and is prone to not only breaking very easily, but it also absorbs heat. This means that when it’s cold outside, all the hot air in your building gets transferred through glass surfaces and windows. When it’s hot outside, the hot air leaks in. This means your hvac equipment has to work twice as hard to do its job. And longer run times mean higher utility costs.

Window film helps to prevent energy loss by improving the performance of single pane glass. Window film uses low-e technology to identify and separate electromagnetic frequencies. Heat causing infrared rays are blocked by the film but visible light passes through. Temperatures stay where they’re set. This allows your hvac system to operate more effectively and reduces the amount of resources you use throughout the year. It’s eco friendly and practical.

Window Film for Improved Productivity & Performance

Not only can window film improve the energy efficiency of your Austin school, but it can also improve staff and employee performance. Studies show that schools and offices with more natural sunlight tend to have higher performing students and employees. Window film increases the amount of sunlight in indoor spaces, allowing everyone to enjoy the mental and physical health benefits of the sun.

Get a Quote on Energy Efficient Window Film in Austin

Interested in energy efficient window film for your Austin university? Contact us today to get an estimate!