
Replacement Windows V. Window Tinting

If your windows aren’t as energy efficient as they should be, you’ve probably been looking into options to improve them. The debate between replacement windows and window tinting is on-going, and we want to talk to you about each option to help you make the best decision possible for your unique home.

Replacement Windows

Replacement windows can be a fairly large investment for any homeowner. This option will certainly increase energy efficiency, and can offer you the ability to choose window styles that you love for your home. However, with such a large initial investment cost, many homeowners wonder if it’s really worth it.
While replacement window costs typically land at around $10,000 and up, this investment has a slow payback. In fact, replacement windows can take up to 20 years to reach their top return value, and it will usually be about a 75% percent return. Because of the high initial cost and the ever-changing window technology, new windows have a fairly long return period.

Residential Window Tinting

Window tinting is one investment that you can make for your home that won’t take decades to get a return on. In fact, because of the low initial cost, this product can pay for itself in energy savings in as little as 3-5 years, and will continue saving energy thereafter.

Adding window film to your windows makes any single pane function as a double, and any double pane function as a triple. By working to reflect heat rather than letting it pass through the glass, this can lower your heating and cooling bills by up to 60 percent. In many cases, installing window tinting can actually be more efficient than brand new windows.

One of the biggest benefits of installing film is the increased comfort of your home. When it takes less energy to heat and cool your living space, you can better afford to stay at a comfortable temperature year-round. Some options actually also provide glare reduction, giving you the opportunity to enjoy natural light while you use your electronics.

Residential Window Tinting with Scottish

At Scottish Window Tinting, we work with only the best in window film products. You won’t ever get that old-car-feeling with films that bubble and peel over time because our products actually form a bond with your glass. This means you can really get the most out of your investment.

If you would like to learn more about window tinting, and to find out if new windows or film is best for you, give us a call or send an email today. We’ll set you up with an expert to give you a free in home consultation!